Choros International Dance Journal

Instructions for Authors

Τhe assessment of submissions is based on the following procedure:

(1) Manuscripts are to be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief for blind review in two electronic copies (in Word format), together with the title and abstract of the text, and a short CV (of about 150 words) of the author. One of the electronic copies submitted must be anonymous and not contain any other indication of the author’s identity. Τhe (anonymous) manuscript, which should be scholarly in nature, will be sent forward by the Editor-in-Chief either (a) directly to all the members of the Editorial Board, who will then decide by majority vote whether to accept the manuscript for publication (improvements or changes may be requested), or (b) to an anonymous referee (whenever possible, a leading specialist in the relevant subject), whose assessment will subsequently be communicated by the Editor-in-Chief to the Editorial Board. In either case the final decision is made by the Editorial Board.

(2) Should the Editorial Board reject a submission, its author will be notified accordingly by the Editor-in-Chief. The referee’s written comments will be forwarded to the author, but no additional comments or explanations will be provided. If the submission is accepted, the author will be asked to resend his/her text after having incorporated all the scholarly, linguistic and technical amendments that may have been required. At the end of this process, the Editorial Board’s decision will be electronically announced to the author by the Editor-in-Chief.

Manuscripts & book reviews should be submitted via email to the Editor-in-Chief: editor [at] chorosjournal [dot] com

― Final formatting
Manuscripts must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, with double spacing throughout. Normal word limit ranges from 5,000 to 8,000 words, including notes. Footnotes are to be numbered continuously.
Photographs will be published only if necessary to the author’s argument. Illustrative materials, such as photographs, and graphic notation should have a minimum resolution of 200 dpi. The file format should be JPG. Illustrations should always come with captions. Copyright and similar fees, where applicable, will be the sole responsibility of the author.

Passages should be placed in double quotation marks. Longer passages are indented and printed separately from the main body of the text without quotation marks. Omitted text in quotations is indicated by three dots in square brackets: [...].

― Bibliographical references
Bibliographical referencing should follow the ‘author-date’ system, e.g.:

Best, D. (1982) “Can Creativity be Taught?”, British Journal of Educational Studies, 30 (2), pp. 280-294.
Lange, R. (1975) The Nature of Dance: An Anthropological Perspective. London: Macdonald and Evans.
Langer, S. K. (1983) “From Feeling and Form”, in Copeland, R. and Cohen M. (eds) What is Dance? – Readings in Theory and Criticism. New York: Oxford University Press.
Merleau-Ponty, M. (1962) Phenomenology of Perception. Trans. C. Smith. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Website References
For website references the required elements are:
Authorship or Source (Year) Title of web document [type of medium] (date of update, if available). Available at: include full website address/URL [Accessed date]. For example:

Blair, R. (2009) "Cognitive Neuroscience and Acting: Imagination, Conceptual Blending, and Empathy" [Online].
Available at: [Accessed 5 December 2010].

Book Reviews
Reviews must contain the title of the book being reviewed and full publication details, the name of the reviewer and his/her affiliation. Please ensure that the book titles follow the layout below:

Full Name of Author (Date) Title. Name of Editor or Translator. Series. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher. Pagination. ISBN. Hardback/Paperback. Price.

Harvard System of Referencing
Contributors are generally advised to use the Harvard System of Referencing. Detailed guides to this system are provided at the following websites: